The DBOC Index established in January 2021 tracks changes in outlook of Danish companies with activities in China.
Complementary to the DBOC Index, the Danish Embassy and missions in China, The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC), Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF) and the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC) jointly implements a comprehensive survey of Danish companies in China.
The first edition was published in June 2020 while the data of the second survey was concluded in December 2021.
In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the disrupting effects of the latest COVID-19 outbreak in
Shanghai and China and the expected impact it will have on trade, supply chains and companies in China and all over the world an additional flash survey was conducted in order to supplement the initial findings.
The survey was conducted between 18 April and 6 May.
This special edition therefore presents the findings of the add on survey and a reflection on the results
related to companies’ plans and expectations to the Chinese market post the Russian invasion of Ukraine
and the latest COVID-19 outbreaks in China.