EdgeX Challenge China is an international hackathon event on EdgeX, hosted by LF Edge. EdgeX Foundry provides loT and edge computing reference architectures for vertical segments: commerce, medical, education, industrial, energy, enabling more industry solutions and solving more business challenges. With the success of EdgeX Challenge in China, EdgeX Foundry has further expanded its adoption in China and around the world, which plays an important role in the construction of edge computing, AloT, and the ecosystem.
Submit your business proposal online and get the opportunity to present it towards Edge X contest China!


Time: August-December 2022

Location: Beijing, China

Application format: Online and offline 

This event consists two tracks: medical, education, consumer industry track & energy and industrial track, and it will start at many places to allow more developers to join. This event aims to build a learning and sharing platform about adopting IoT & EdgeX Foundry to heal industry problems along with digital transformation. Edgex Challenge China is one of the important events of evangelizing EdgeX Foundry.
With the evolvement of IoT, more and more real-world use cases demand local data storage, privacy protection, low transition latency and low cost. As Edge computing technologies are growing rapidly, EdgeX Foundry has become the world’s leading open edge computing framework, capable for agile use of IoT, AI and Computer Vision, to effectively resolve difficulties and challenges faced by various industries. Protocol adaptation of different sensors/devices and cloud, workload consolidation closer to the users, will help solve the technical problems, accelerate industry’s digital transformation process.
This event has received strong support from FNAIOT、Qinhuai Silicon Lane Innovation Lab、Kaiyuanshe、CSDN、Huodongxing.

Contest Details

Danish companies are now also invited to join the contest. All proposals related to the Key Sectors will be reviewed. Government funding, cash rewards, and technology transfer assistance will be offered for winning and matching solution providers.

How to Apply

What we need from you is a brief description of your business solution that underlines WHAT your solution is, WHY it is innovative, and HOW it contributes to people’s lives.

You can submit your proposal directly to the contest organizers. Or you can choose to get support from Dansk Industri’s local consultants first. If you already have a pitch deck, please email it to support@challengebridge.dk.

Two tracks

Medical, education, consumer industry track

Energy and industrial track