
Safe and fast access to the Chinese market
DI-Asia Base facilitates local representation for Danish companies with an interest in China via the business model, ’Own Man in China’ (OMIC). Through this model, we have helped more than 75 Danish companies on the Chinese market.
At DI-Asia Base, a joint venture between the Confederation of Danish Industry and Asia Base, our goal is to secure that companies with Chinese ambitions get a fast, well-ordered and secure access to the Chinese market. The OMIC-concept was built on the belief that having a local employee with a comprehensive understanding of the language, culture, and market is imperative in order to succeed in China.
With DI’s OMIC-concept we hire your own local employee who is dedicated to the progress of your business. No matter the need – whether it be conducting market analysis, locating suitable suppliers/distributors/partners, engaging in customer and sales meetings, participating in exhibitions, etc. – you will have a dependable resource working effectively to manage your general interests in China. Meanwhile, we offer an office community, which under Danish management allows you to initiate and develop your business activities in China, while all practical matters are handled by our staff. For the companies, which are already established with their own offices in China, we also offer to handle all administration – such as financial reporting, accounting, tax, HR, etc.