China’s FDI Measures:

Progress Monitoring

Tracking China’s efforts to boost foreign direct investment and improve conditions for            foreign-invested enterprises.




Since the pandemic, China has introduced measures to boost foreign direct investment (FDI) after levels hit a record low in 2023 during the Zero-Covid regime. These new measures aim to reverse this negative trend by creating an attractive landscape for foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) through fiscal incentives, equal treatment, and IP protection.

Politically, the central government hopes to present China in a more conciliatory light amidst growing geopolitical tensions.





DI Sense China’s Monitoring

DI Sense China is closely monitoring the implementation of these measures. The focus is on whether the central government is honoring its promises and if local governments are capable of providing the required support. The organization keeps member companies updated about important developments and encourages them to share their own experiences.



Offering FIEs new investment opportunities




Improving the investment climate for FIEs




Streamlining the government’s own efforts





The Chinese government has introduced two key incentives to attract and retain foreign investment:


Goverment Procurement

Ensure that FIEs can participate in China’s government procurement process under the same terms as local competitors.




Incentivize FIEs to reinvest within China, applying relevant tax benefits to support their growth in sectors encouraged by the state.




Investor protection

Goal: Enhance mechanisms to protect the rights and interests of FIEs.

IP protection

Goal: Enforce stronger legal protection of intellectual property rights, increase enforcement to safeguard innovations by FIEs.

Regulatory transparency

Goal: Ensure that regulations affecting FIEs are formulated transparently and consistently.

Data compliance

Goal: Explore mechanisms to safely manage cross-border data flows, improve the coordination of law enforcement inspections for FIEs.

Administrative Compliance

Goal: Refine administrative procedures for FIEs to provide better support.

National standardization

Goal: Support FIEs in formulating industry standards, ensuring they can benefit from supportive policies alongside domestic firms.

Expatriate support

Goal: Optimize residence conditions for foreign expats in FIEs.



Targeted sector investment

Attract more priority investments by liberalizing the service industry and leveraging pilot zones.

New investment streams

Explore new ways to benefit from foreign capital by encouraging relocation and expansion of FIEs across different regions in China.

Stronger investment promotion

Improve mechanisms and financial remedies for attracting foreign investments.

Broader investment promotion

Develop new channels for foreign investment promotion via performance evaluation and higher efficiency.